
Today’s discussion starts with the space launch(es) of late, including Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, and why both of us hope that Biden can use science to reunite the nation and also, slyly, re-educate Republicans about the important of science and facts to our daily lives. Next topic is Covid. It always is 🙂 The Delta Variant has how become 83% of the cases in the US, and Olympians are coming down sick, France is requiring vaccine passports, and St. Jude’s is firing staff who don’t get vaccinated. We discuss all of this. Then we have a little chat about Jim Jordan going on the Insurrection Committee. 

This is one of our premium episodes. You can listen to 30 minutes here, and then, if the spirit moves you, head on over to Patreon and become a patron. Thanks so much.


The Delta Variant has how become 83% of the cases in the US – what more can we do to fight it, in the face of GOP resistance?