
Sean, David and Jody were in the Bunker with Super Special Guests FRANGELA!!!!!! Frances Callier and Angela V. Shelton.

Jody asked them to come on the show, she’s jealous of Proud Resister Ryan Knight! 😉

So, we went down a list of things to talk about, and talked about maybe three of them.

Impeachment hearings have begun in the House Judiciary Committee and the ladies will again save us all.

Kamala Harris is out of the Presidential running. Looking forward to her during the Senate trial.

And that a**hole George Zimmerman is suing Trayvon Martin’s family, among others, for $100 Million.

Finally, RIP Shelley Morrison. She was a very good friend of Jody and her family.

And much more!

Hope you enjoy this week’s installment.

Talk at you next week.