
[Explicit Content] Rudy Giuliani on The Masked Singer. Stop doing this, TV people. Normalizing villains and traitors. Piers Morgan’s interview with Trump was probably staged for ratings. Republicans are planning to overturn the 2024 election. The stakes of the midterms. Florida continues its war on trans people. Ted Cruz’s horrible joke. A quarter of all COVID deaths could’ve been prevented. Delta is planning to let mask shirkers back on flights. Marjorie Taylor Greene advertises a court appearance she doesn’t want people to see. Mike Lee’s mea culpa. Florida’s gerrymandered map and the House Black Caucus’s protest. With Spicy Jody Hamilton and David TRex Ferguson, music by Les July, Robby Bright, and more!

Rudy Giuliani on The Masked Singer. Florida continues its war on trans people. A quarter of all COVID deaths could’ve been prevented. And more!